Deskscapes 8 backgrounds
Deskscapes 8 backgrounds

deskscapes 8 backgrounds

Stardock DeskScapes 8.51 Full Version Rar (74. An always-present preview helps you see what your desktop will look like before applying effects to your new wallpaper. Easy-to-use configuration dialog: The user interface is intuitive and so easy to use that you can create a great-looking custom desktop design in just a few minutes.Multiple monitor support: DeskScapes 8 capabilities give you the option to have a different wallpaper on each of your monitors or stretch video and static wallpapers over multiple monitors.Color customization can be applied to an entire image or only to select colors. Recolor your existing wallpapers: Using a simple slider DeskScapes helps you apply new colors to wallpapers.Effects include black and white, blur, canvas texture, inverted, night vision, pop art, sepia, animated snow, and many more! Add cool effects to your wallpaper: Choose from over 40 effects to apply to any wallpaper.Dream files with wallpaper and video elements. Easily add motion to static wallpapers: Use DreamMaker (included with DeskScapes) to design your own creations! Save videos or hybrid.The application puts various enticing desktop backgrounds at your disposal, letting you apply static, panoramic as well as Windows Vista’s Dreamscene-like animated wallpapers to your desktop. You can also apply any dream as your PC screensaver! DeskScapes 8 is not only a nice addition to Stardocks’ fascinating line of customization tools, but it’s also one of the most powerful wallpaper personalization app for Windows 8. The Dream format, which uses, has been specially designed to contain content used to animate wallpapers. Animate your Windows desktop: Use WMV and Dream files with DeskScapes 8 to apply animated video wallpapers to your desktop.Improved CPU usage efficiency for Windows Explorer.Choose one of the animated wallpapers already included with DeskScapes, or use your own images WMV files to personalize your desktop.

deskscapes 8 backgrounds

DeskScapes gives you the capability to animate and customize the wallpaper on your Windows desktop.

Deskscapes 8 backgrounds